Episode 1128: St Herman Joseph

1 year ago

Saint Herman Joseph of Cologne, also known as Hermann Joseph or Herman Joseph of Steinfeld, was a German Augustinian canon regular and mystic. He was born around 1150 in Cologne, Germany. His parents, noble and pious, instilled in him a strong faith from a young age.

At the age of seven, Herman Joseph entered the Premonstratensian monastery of Steinfeld, located near Cologne. He was known for his devoutness, humility, and dedication to prayer. He became a canon regular, following the Rule of Saint Augustine, which emphasized a life of communal prayer, contemplation, and service.

Herman Joseph had a profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is particularly famous for the story of the miraculous vision of Mary, during which she appeared to him and offered him her breast, which he miraculously drank from. This vision is often depicted in artwork and is the subject of much veneration among Catholics.

Throughout his life, Herman Joseph was known for his holiness, simplicity, and deep love for God. He was said to possess the gift of prophecy and performed miracles, including healing the sick and reconciling enemies.

He died on April 7, 1241, in Cologne, Germany. His feast day is celebrated on April 7th. Saint Herman Joseph is revered as a patron saint of the sick, those in danger of drowning, and expectant mothers.

Herman Joseph's life and teachings continue to inspire many Christians to deepen their devotion to God and to live lives of prayer, simplicity, and service. He was canonized as a saint by Pope Pius X in 1908.

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