Mid Winter update - pond, and talking about recent videos, human decency and respect

4 years ago

Edit: quick edit to note that it looks like the mic slipped and turned downwards. I had to cut a big chunk of it out because the audio was poor - likely because of that. I also have a better mic to attach to the unit. /end edit.

Lets get back to gardening and such, shall we? Here is a little update on the pond, which should be useful for anyone with ponds. At the end I wanted to talk about the finance videos, but more from an overall perspective - that sometimes I'm going to make a non gardening video, and that should be okay. But I'm never going to NOT be a gardening channel. So if I make a video about board games, or excercise, or finance, understand that these are all part of homesteading, that some people have asked for videos like this (about my interests and such, like say boardgames, or the Tesla, etc).

Does that mean I'm going to now be a youtube channel about Teslas? No. Can you skip the video and choose not to watch it and just watch the gardening stuff? Yes. So lets all use a little common sense and respect here. And if you hate board games with a fiery passion (for example), and if you feel SO passionate about this that you are going to Unsubscribe from my channel because I make a video on them in the future, then fully understand that I'm totally okay with you exercising your free rights to do whatever you want in your free time. I'm not going to battle with that level of ridiculous thought. So if I like board games and you like TV.... or if I mention a TV show I watch and you hate TV so much because you think it's the devil, and you can no longer take anything I say about gardening seriously because you no longer trust my opinion that I am a sane and rational human being, then please do leave and take that kind of energy elsewhere.

As you can tell, this is coming from a place of dealing with a little of this nonsense in the last few days - and I don't want anyone to read frustration in any of this, but at the same time, I'm not going to entertain it. I have no room for that kind of negativity in my life. I just want to plant trees and garden and be passionate about the things I'm passionate about, and if others hate those things, I hope we also all have the maturity to see past that, and come together on the things we DO agree with.

All that being said, I do want to thank people for the tremendous outpouring of positive feedback - especially in "defending" me in the comments section. I honestly think anyone involved in that was talking to pure trolls or even bots. I guess that's just the realities of the times we find ourselves in. Lets all try to be respectful of each other. Not to keep this a "safe space" for snowflakes, but rather just because that's what a decent human being does.


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Music credits:

Closer by Jay Someday | https://soundcloud.com/jaysomeday
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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