Viewer Vids summer edition, Wildflower hill, Haskaps, Paw paws, and more

3 years ago

Total Frankenstein video. Lots of topics that need to be touched on. In todays walk around video we also update a few things going on such as announcing Viewer Vids summer edition, a new way to support the channel and more. As we do the updates, we walk around and see what's changing. There's always new stuff happening. Every day is something new.

Thanks for watching.


0:42 New way to support the channel via Trish's Arbonne facebook group. It focuses on products to promote healthy living of mind, body and skin. It's skin care, make-up, hair, body and also nutrition, such teas, protein, health drinks, etc. Ethically sourced, all natural, organic, vegan. If you link to her facebook group you can join up and get more resources. Pop in and say hi and she can direct you where you need to go for more info.

Instagram: @trish_loves_arbonne

3:00 Old man walking trail and paw paws. Here I talk about 1500 bags of leaves. It was actually just over 1600, but only 948 ended up in old man walking trail. The rest were used elsewhere on the property (if you are wondering about the 948 leaves in the title of one of the old man walking trail videos).

6:38 Viewer vids is back! Summer edition. Come see how to join.

9:59 Haskaps! A lot of people are always asking what a haskap is, and they are producing now, so it's a good time to talk about this plant.

12:20 Wildflower hill update (not much yet, it's still early)

13:30 Peaches!! Wow what abundance I'm going to have this year!

14:18 Meet and greet update.


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Moving to the country to start a new life. Young Family trades sodgrass for a horse farm over at Barn Boots and Country Roots:

For great recipes, cooking, storing, canning, and growing tips, check out Gardening in the North:

Music credits:

Closer by Jay Someday |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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