Buy and Hold the S&P 500: You will beat the professionals!

1 year ago

If you look at historical returns over two or more decades, you are going to see the S&P 500 averages over a 7% return. Professionally managed portfolio return about 6.8% or so. Then you have to factor in anywhere from a quarter to three fourths of a percent in management expenses and fees, so you are lucky if you are getting 6% a year. Then there are retail investors that average anywhere from 2.5% to 3% depending on the numbers you use. Do you see what I’m getting at?
If you have the self restraints to just buy the S&P 500 and hold it, you are going to average 7% a year. Stop checking your balance in your retirement fund. Stop buying penny stocks. Stop trying to time the market. Just buy the S&P 500, and hold, don’t sell. Buy a little at a time, buy month after month, year after year, decade after decade.
Do not time the market. Do not give into fear. Do not give into greed. Just buy and hold the S&P 500.
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