Three non-gardening related clips - short stories, vlog style

2 years ago

Everyone once in a while I will do these clips, mostly for myself and my family honestly, so that we can look back on this time and see more than just gardening clips and lectures about soil science. Let me know if anyone enjoys this vlog style video. I think a lot of youtubers end up making a separate channel for different topics. I may do it that way, I may do it this way, I'm not sure what is best. This way is easiest, that's for sure, but I also want to be aware that some people just want to see gardening, and not a family's vlog. I do want to get Trish and the kids in here more often though, so that I have something nice to look back on, and I don't use Zuckerbook.

There are 3 clips today - the first is where we get our free range eggs from. These are some friends we met through Jackson's school. Jackson and their son are in the same class, and at Jackson's birthday party they came to pick up their son, and saw my gardens and we started talking gardening. They are cash crop farmers nearby (corn, soy), and I know I'm hard on that industry sometimes. The truth is that this industry may be devastating, but the farmers are just trying to survive, and the world needs to eat. I don't think the world is ready to instantly transform to permaculture farms. This is a rabbit hole I don't want to jump down in the description of a video, but maybe it's worth it's own video. The Cole's notes version is that I believe we need these farms and we're way too hard on them. They are a big problem (less so a smaller farm like this), but they are also required based on where we are TODAY. The world today starves without them.

The second clip is from the pond, we had a pretty scary (fish eating) visitor. They came back 7 times in 1 hour, and each time I went out to the porch to try to scare it off. I doubt it will work, but so far no fish loss. I turned on the bubblers to help obfuscate the surface.

The third clip was just me deciding to bring my phone on our morning bike. All the time we say to ourselves "I can't believe we get to work out in this" as we see beautiful rolling hills that define our province (at least in this area). It's absolutely stunning, and I decided to film some of it. I figured I'd toss it in here... in the winter I'll enjoy pulling this video up and reminding myself why I live in the tundra. The summers are amazing.

One last thing... This year has been extreme for weather. Obviously the forest fires just north of us are MORE extreme (and the fires out west put those fires to shame). The heat wave that the west dealt with was nuts. Europe is experiencing one now, upwards of 50C (120F). Our weather extremes here was that for the first 40 days of the year starting from mid April we didn't get a drop of rain. It was very hot (35-40C) all May long. Everything died. I didn't think my lawn would survive (most of it didn't, the clover did okay though). Then after that, it didn't stop raining and we haven't had any sun. We have had rain in 55 of the last 60 days, many times it was absolute downpours. I have filmed a few of them in clips in my videos. It has been CONSTANT.

Talking to my farmer friend, it's hitting them very hard. Many farmers are expecting 10% yield this year.


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Moving to the country to start a new life. Young Family trades sodgrass for a horse farm over at Barn Boots and Country Roots:

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Music credits:

Epidemic sound:

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