Satan & the Demonic

1 year ago

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: This video contains flashing images, depictions of demonic possession, and other disturbing images. Viewer discretion is advised.

DESCRIPTION: For thousands of years, Satan and the demonic have been seen as a reality throughout human history. However, with the emergence of science, a new age of reason, and many newer schools of thought, the belief in such beings has been greatly diminished over the years. Even the belief in God himself or any supernatural creator has been touted as science fiction over the last couple of centuries. What's even more interesting is that the belief in Satan and the demonic within the Christian church itself, and the religious community abroad, is surprisingly vacant. What is the disconnect and is there something more to this that we can uncover? In this documentary, I aim to answer some of the most prevalent questions of this subject from a Biblical perspective, historical perspective, and a psychological perspective. In the process, my goal is to shed as much light as possible on the phenomena and to maybe bring some of us to to a new and deeper understanding behind the truth of this matter. Join me on my journey to uncover: Satan & the Demonic.

📝 NOTE: For the sake of time, I have limited some of the arguments in this video to the most historically popular and utilized arguments/perspectives over the years. Not every possible angle or explanation has been approached in this video, but that also leaves room for discussion and future content!

🪪 LICENSING & DISCLAIMER: "Creative Commons Attribution: Free to use, share, and edit commercially", and "Fair Use Licensing for purposes of education, commentary, and review".

This video is for educational purposes only! United States Federal Law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes, or video discs under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This is called "Fair Use" and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn't infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107.

CREDITS & ATTRIBUTIONS: Movie/Video clips from The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Exorcist, Supernatural, Insidious, Lucifer, The Bible, and assorted YouTube videos and engine searches. All music is from Feslian Studios, who you can find here:

Aside from the words spoken in this video from my own research and information gathering, I claim no ownership or proprietorship of any content within this production.

SOCIAL MEDIA: I am currently limiting the social media I run at the moment, since this is a one-man project. But, be on the lookout for new additions in the future! I will update this video description with new links if/when I add more. In particularly, I invite you to join my official Discord community which has just gone live ahead of my video release. It is fully laden and ready for community. Hope to see you there!


🧾 Documentary Chapters:

0:00 Introduction
3:06 Exposition
6:16 Demons
13:21 Satan
35:31 Demonic Possession
40:48 Annaliese Michel
53:56 The Evidence
1:09:38 Psychology & Closing

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