
1 year ago

Christians, Bill Maher is not on your side. He mocks everything about God.

Morality comes from God, whether you believe in God or not. Apart from God and the morality in the world through Christians, His children, this world WOULD BE hell on earth! In case you haven't noticed, as Christianity wanes, the world goes insane!

Children are the images of their parents but they have free will and do not always go the way of their parents.

So it is with all humanity. We are made in the image of God but we can choose to go our own way - rejecting Him - or choose Him and His way, accepting Christ as our Savior, who cleanses us from the sin that separates us from God.

Created in God's image, we are eternal. Where will you spend eternity; heaven or hell?

You decide, you have free will to choose.

Faith and Christianity are vital to renewal, in this world and in eternity!

Choose God, through Christ. He wants you to be a complete part of His family - for eternity!

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