"The Ghost-Eater" by C. M. Eddy, Jr., with H. P. Lovecraft

1 year ago

This story may be Eddy's work, but it definitely feels like it has a lot of Lovecraftian influence!

As best I can figure, all the locations in this story are made up. Mayfair, Glendale, the Potowisset, the Cataqua. None of it appears to really exist that I can tell. That last one, there is a word 'Chautauqua', but that is the name of an adult education movement in the early 20th century, not a river or other locality. Even today Maine is fairly sparsely populated, and a hundred years ago its population was almost half what it is today, so I can believe it was easier at the time to just make up names than to figure out real places.

Anyways, the only name there that is any trouble is Potowisset, but since that is not a real name, in Maine or anywhere else, I'm not too worried about the pronunciation I used.

To follow along: https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/ge.aspx

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