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Psalm 47 "All nations, clap your hands and shout!" The tune is Herongate. Sing Psalms.

1 year ago

Psalm 47 to the tune Herongate.
Sing Psalms version
Falkirk Free Church
model of Solomon's temple from the MET (CC0)
John L. Mackay on the phrase "Great king over all the earth" https://youtu.be/vE1UiOETDDI


1 All nations, clap your hands and shout!
Let joyful cries to God ring out!
2 How awesome is the LORD Most High,
Great King who rules the earth throughout!

3 He has subdued beneath our feet
The nations who had been our foes.
4 In blessing Jacob, whom he loved,
A heritage for us he chose.

5 God has gone up with shouts of joy,
The LORD amid the trumpets’ sound.
6 Sing praise, sing praise to God Most High;
To God our King let praise abound.

7 For God is King of all the earth;
Sing psalms of praise to him alone.
8 God rules the nations from on high;
He sits upon his holy throne.

9 The leaders of the nations come
To yield themselves to Abr’ham’s God.
To him belong the shields of earth;
Exalted greatly is the LORD!

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