Why Kevin Durant and James Harden Top The List Of Players Under The Most Pressure In the Playoffs

1 year ago

The NBA playoffs have officially started and with that there are players that have a lot to prove this year, so I wanted to make a video addressing the superstars in the NBA I think have to the most to prove in the upcoming playoffs, the list is a countdown style list that means I will be counting from five to one and the player at number one is with the most to prove in my eyes. So without further adieu Lets begin the countdown. At Number five I have Nikola Jokic and the reason I ahev him at number five is because it is time fore Nikola to win an NBA title everything is lined up for him to win it all this year, The Denver Nuggets Organization have dopen a stellar job of surrounding him with incredible talent like Micheal Porter Jr. Jamal Murray and they have drafted subsequent talent Like Christian Braun to help on the bench and they have acquired talent through trade with guys like Aaron Gordan. Nikola is a 2x MVP and will likely win the NBA title this year that will mean he will only need a NBA title to complete his resume, and this year everything has lined up, He is the number one seed in the western conference and his team is healthy this year. That moves me to number four, at number three I have Chris Paul, and the reason I have chris Paul at number 3 is because he is getting old and the window for him to win a championship is closing and thi year marks the last legitimate chance he has of ever winning it all, so he has to captialize of this opportunity, Chris paul in his long tenure in the NBA has been on his fair share of great teams, teams that were worthy of winning th NBA title but he has come up short many times. With the clippers he came up short, when he was in houston with James Harden they couldn’t get the job done and lost the warriors in 7 games, so with Kevin Durant on his team this year he must finally win a championship.

The NBA playoffs have officially started and with that, there are players that have a lot to prove this year. at number three I have Kawhi Leonard and the reason he makes this list is simple, He is the player that ushered in this new age of “load management” that all the players are taking part in. Ever since he landed in LA he has talked a big game about how the city which was a clear slight at Lebron James, But all he has done since being in Los Angeles is sit games out in fact this year he has only played one back-to-back game, so to me he has to justify why it is ok for him to take the game off if the purpose of doing that is to be healthy and well-rested in the playoffs then he’s got to have something to show for it, and so far he has nothing to show for in the four years that he has been with the Clippers. At number two have James Harden and the reason being, that James Harden has had a past of choking in the playoffs, Chris paul has been on a number of really good teams and he has come up short, he has never missed the NBA playoffs in the 14 years that he has been in the league but in those playoff runs he has choked to teams he had no business choking too, like a Kawhi Leonardless Spurs team and in 2018 he lost to the Warriors when he had a 3-2 lead on them because the Rockets shot 0-21 in the 4th quarter, also in the last two years he has jumped ships two times and had found himself on the 76ers who are really good this year, they are contenders and in order to get the job done this year James harden is going to have to pull his weight that, because the Philadelphia 76ers fans are going to be watching to see if he lets them down as Ben Simmons has in the past. So because of that, I think he has a lot to prove in the Playoffs. Kevin Durant is the player with the most to prove in these NBA playoffs and the reason is simple, he has to separate himself from Steph Curry’s shadow, ever since Kevin Durant signed with the Golden state warriors in 2016 and won two championships with him his legacy, has forever been tainted because people don’t take those two championships seriously, they think he was carried to those championships and Kevin Durant was well aware of this when he teamed up with kyrie Irving in Brooklyn to try and win a championship outside of the Warriors dynasty, unfortunately for him, it didn’t work out in Brooklyn and this year he jumped ships to the Phoenix suns and joined Devin Booker and Chris paul. The Phoenix Suns look good this year and are a legitimate contender for the championship, so this is Kevin Durant’s chance to prove to us all that he can in fact win a championship without Steph Curry because he failed to do so with Kyrie Irving, and Russell Westbrook and if he ever wants to clean the stain on his legacy he has to lead the Phoenix suns to a championship, and he might actually do so, but he’’ has stiff competition in the western conference he will have to go through the Los Angeles Lakers or the Memphis Grizzlies in the second round not to mention battling Kawhi Leonard in the first round regardless he must prove himself in these playoffs.

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