Godot 4 Master the Panel Part 1 in 90 Seconds Quick Godot Tutorial

1 year ago

In this quick 90-second Godot 4 tutorial, I'll show you the first steps to creating an Options Panel for your game's main menu.

If you're new to Godot 4 or need a quick refresher on UI design, this video will help you get started on building an Options Panel for your main menu in no time! I'll demonstrate the first parts of setting up an Options Panel, an essential component for allowing players to adjust settings like sound, graphics, and controls in your game.

Here's what you'll learn in this tutorial:
Nothing really. You just follow along and set up a button to show your options panel. :P

Stay tuned for our next tutorial, where we'll dive deeper into adding specific settings like sound volume sliders, mute toggles, and more.

Thanks for watching, and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more Godot 4 tutorials and game development tips. Keep coding, stay salty, and let your game creations shine!

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