Article Video - Municipal Corporation Fraud -- Genocide and Slavery By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Municipal Corporation Fraud -- Genocide and Slavery - Friday, April 14, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Municipal Corporation Fraud --- Genocide and Slavery

Both the foreign Federal Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia are Municipal Corporations. One is managed by the British Crown and one is managed by the City Government.

As demonstrated by the Information already provided, both of these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have been criminally mismanaged, both have been immune to correction, both have repeated various historical fraud schemes, such as a variation on the Bottomry Bonds Scheme-- which demonstrates knowing premeditation, both have promoted preparatory legislation in support of these unlawful and immoral activities, both have conspired against their actual Employers-- the American People, both have trespassed against the Public Peace to promote illegal Mercenary Conflicts as wars, both have misrepresented their Employers as members of their own citizenry, both have conspired to evade their obligations under the Constitutions that created them and which allow them to exist, both have violated the provisions of the Residence Act and underlying treaties, and both have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their service contracts and have acted in Bad Faith.

We wish for these thoroughly criminal Municipal Corporations to be defunded and blocked from having any more access to our credit and for all public trusts and bank trusts and accounts containing our assets to be dissolved in our favor and made available to us.

We wish for a prompt and safe transition of the assets and essential personnel to the control of our actual government and for the liquidation of all non-essential Agencies in our favor and for our benefit.

We wish for the immediate liquidation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its Municipal clone, the FBI, INC., which are being misinformed and misdirected to harm their actual Employers.

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