Does confession help me to avoid God's chastening and restore fellowship?

1 year ago

Our listener asks, "If I sin and then I realize with self judgment and
confess my sins to the Lord right after I sinned …
Do I avoid God’s chastening In that very moment
and restore fellowship?"

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#confession #chastening #fellowship #bibleline #relationship #confess #1john #sins #sinner #believer #truth #restore #restoration

if I just say sorry is everything good
you know well what does the scripture
welcome back to Bible line I'm your host
Pastor Jesse Martinez we are answering
another User submitted question today
let's get right into the question and
boy this is a good one this is one of
those that I had when I was really
starting to grow
the Bible just gives a really good
answer so I'm excited to get into it
let's see the question this comes from
our friend she sent in questions before
and she says if I sin and then I realize
with self-judgment and confess my sins
to the Lord right after I sinned
do I avoid God's chastening in that very
moment and restore Fellowship excellent
excellent excellent question because
and I know this person and I know that
she's growing and she's she's learning
and and unlearning things and uh she
wants to grow she wants to do better so
as she's doing these things walking in
the spirit not fulfilling the lust of
the flesh that lust of the flesh keeps
coming up and so she's answering them as
she's going and this is a logical
question as we're growing if I just say
sorry is everything good you know well
what does the scripture say first of all
let me answer the last part of that
question first because I think that's
where the clearest answer is which said
uh do I avoid God's chastening in that
very moment and restore Fellowship so
let's talk about restoring fellowship
and that's found in first John chapter 1
and verse 9. I heard this definition of
Fellowship in college and I just really
liked it Fellowship is two fellows in a
ship going in the same direction I know
super simple maybe even a little comedic
but it's right
here's the verse that we build that off
of if we confess our sins he which is
Jesus Christ that's that's the whole
theme Here starting from from verse one
and first John 1. if we confess our sins
he Christ is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness I believe the
forgiving and the cleansing there brings
you back into proper Fellowship because
the word confess means to come to an
agreement okay you have the same view
about something let's go back to that
illustration uh with a boat we'll make
it a canoe we'll put yours truly in the
back of the canoe and we'll put my
younger brother Cody in the front of the
canoe this is a real life story we used
to always go to the Hillsborough River
State Park and we would get in the
canoes and if you know anything about
canoes the guy in the front cannot be
paddling on the same side as the guy in
the back if you want to go straight so
if you're trying to make a straight line
you want somebody paddling on the left
somebody paddling on the right and if
you're paddling in motion now you're
you're really moving you can really pick
up speed because you're just pushing
more and more water back underneath that
but if you start paddling on the same
if you're all paddling on the left side
you're going to start turning left and
you're going to keep turning left until
you hit the bank or you just keep going
around and around and around all your
forward progress is stopped same thing
if you paddle on the right side you're
going to just keep going in a right side
Circle until you hit the bank or you
just keep going and going and going
you're not going straight anymore
you're not moving forward now if it's my
desire in the back of the canoe to move
forward and my brother doesn't do the
things that are necessary for my will to
get done well guess what we're not going
to be on the same page Cody switch come
on we got to go forward come on there's
going to be friction between us but as
soon as he gets that canoe paddle on the
right direction and he's going with what
I'm trying to do we're moving forward
again there may be some hardness between
us that we may have to resolve because
of the silliness or whatever but we're
moving in the same direction again
confession of sins is not merely the
therapeutic I'm sorry it's coming to an
agreement God what I have done you say
is sin that's wrong I agree with that
I'm sorry I'm not going to do this again
if we are truly sorry for what we're
confessing why would we want to do it
again I'm not saying you have to promise
that you won't but it's just natural
that you would want to avoid that which
brings friction between you and the Lord
so here we are we're confessing our sins
I do believe that Fellowship is
immediate now here's the interesting
part do we automatically get a get out
of jail free card do we automatically
avoid chastening I think you'd be
interested to see what the Bible says
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make a video just like today let's get
back to today's answer
so I said earlier that it might surprise
you what the scripture says and and uh I
learned this by the process of communion
this next answer which is the second
part of the first part of her question
let's go back to her question one more
time if I sin and then I realize with
self-judgment and confess my sins to the
Lord after right after I've sinned do I
avoid God's chastening in that very
moment and restore Fellowship yes you do
restore Fellowship in the act of uh of
proper confession
I don't know if you avoid God's
chastening I I the patterns in scripture
are not necessarily conducive to
automatically we avoid any chastening
and let me show you what I mean by that
here in First Corinthians chapter 11. we
need to set a little bit of background
here Paul is uh he mentions head
coverings in the beginning he talks
about all sorts of stuff like that but
he's in verse 17 he begins talking about
the Lord's supper and apparently a lot
of people were coming together with
Lord's supper and they're bringing you
know their favorite dish they're
bringing uh something to get a little
drunk on and people are preferring
themselves over another or one group
over another and it was like a buffet it
was like a meal and it was a total
Abomination to what was originally
intended for the Lord's Supper so Paul
goes through and he says this was the
proper method of it this is what the
Lord said this is what it represents in
verse 26 he says for as often as you eat
this bread and drink this cup you do
show the uh the Lord's death until he
come wherefore whosoever shall eat this
bread and drink of this cup unworthily
so there's a way that you can be at the
Lord's supper and not be in the right
frame of mind there were going to be
things that were responsible to you and
and you avoid that by verse 28 let a man
examine himself and so let him eat of
that bread and drink of that cup okay so
once a month here at Calvary we do
communion and we set aside two or three
minutes for people to pray and perform
first John 1 9 to get right with the
Lord which they should be doing every
day but certainly before the Lord's
supper and get in the right mindset that
proper fellowship with the Lord in order
to partake in communion
verse 29 says that there are some that
are not going to do that and there's
going to be consequences what are the
consequences for he the eateth and
drinketh unworthily Edith and drinketh
Damnation to himself not Discerning the
Lord's body for this cause what's the
cause that people are not properly
before the Lord
many are weak and sickly among you and
many sleep and this is not the little
siesta that we all take Sunday afternoon
between services that means they're dead
but then 31 is here
for if we judge ourselves
we should not be judged okay that's
great if we judge ourselves then God's
not going to have to bring judgment upon
us but when we are judged yeah 32 is
still there okay but when we are judged
we are chastened of the Lord that we
should not be condemned with the world
now there's a beautiful distinction here
the world is condemned into hell because
they do not have the blood of Christ
which is what communion is reminding us
of the price of which uh it costs Jesus
to pay for our sin the world is
condemned the believer
he can judge himself and God will not
judge him
but he will be chastened we are
chastened of the Lord
so all that to say and then Paul
concludes here in 33 and 34 about how to
properly prepare yourself for the Lord's
Supper but in conclusion as we're
answering our viewers question
I don't think it's a good way to live
our Christian Life thinking that we can
have our cake and eat it too I don't
really mean that phrase directly but I
think you understand what I mean we
can't just think of ourselves as sinning
all the time and sinning all the time
and sinning all the time and then we're
just going to say I'm sorry and have a
real cathartic emotional apology but
then not expect God to do something
he he needs to correct that behavior
because obviously we have a problem that
that needs to be solved and I think that
uh chastening is a guarantee as a matter
of fact the scripture tells us that it
is a guarantee in Hebrews chapter 12 it
says in verse 6 for whom the Lord loveth
he chasteneth and scourgeth every son
whom he receiveth so yes just as our
Earthly fathers are supposed to
discipline us God will discipline us as
well and I think I really do think some
of the worst form of chastening in the
beginning is that guilt if you've ever
struggled with sin before it eats at you
it eats at you you may do all the things
on the outside correctly oh you're at
confession oh you're taking communion
you're doing all these things but you
still know you still got a problem with
that sin God knows it the Holy Spirit
you're grieving him
and it eats away at you and you're not
really at peace and it's a terrible
thing you don't get to experience the
joy of your salvation now here on Earth
but when you get right with God even
though it's a very raw and painful
experience sometimes you may have to
confess that fault to another person to
help you whatever it may be specifically
or maybe you just need to have a real
down to earth talk with the Lord It's a
painful process
but that chastening is supposed to yield
about the Peaceable fruit of
righteousness not righteousness of
eternal life but that separated life
that we have
as a result of Christ I'll leave you
with this in verse 11 of Hebrews 12. now
no chastening for the present seemeth to
be joyous Amen to that but Grievous
nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the
Peaceable fruit of righteousness unto
them which are exercised thereby
wherefore lift up the hands which hang
down in the feeble knees and make
straight paths for your feet Lestat
which is lame be turned out of the way
but let it rather be healed follow peace
with all men and Holiness which without
no man shall see the Lord this is very
important to understand there's a
purpose to that chastening there's a
purpose to that rebuking from the Lord I
think it's naive to think well we've
confessed it we've immediately had a you
know confession of it therefore there's
not going to be judgment or chastening I
can't give you a direct answer on it but
I can but but I can tell you there will
always be chasing that doesn't mean
you're supposed to live in fear
but welcome it
God's not doing it because he hates you
he's trying to fix something he's trying
to get you on a good path I hope that
answers your question if you have one
send it in to us questions at until next time
keep looking up Jesus Christ is coming
soon if you enjoyed today's episode of
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teaching Bible in his and Ministry of
Calvary Community church located in
Tampa Florida

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