Government moves to kill the dollar & take control of your spending| 4/13/23 | (S.5 Ep.15)

1 year ago

With recent bank failures, the federal government is working overtime to implement its central bank digital currency scheme. Converting to a government-controlled digital dollar could give the federal government total control of your spending, stripping away your freedoms (and has serious prophetic implications). External forces such as China are pressing in even faster to make the digital yuan the dominant payment system. But Texas has introduced plans to push back. Several other states are already expressing interest in investing their gold in Texas and allowing their citizens to do the same. Listen as Pastor Paul Blair & David Hanan discuss the current domestic and foreign economic situation facing America and what we can do about it.
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Pastors Summary – Texas Transactional Currency SB 2334 & HB4903

In Ephesians 4:11, the Apostle Paul included within the responsibilities for ministers’ evangelism, teaching (making 24/7 disciples) and shepherding (or protecting) the flock God has entrusted to our care. First and foremost, I want my members to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Second, I want them to be 24/7 Christians and glorify God in ALL that they do. Finally, I want them to enjoy good health, provide for their families and to enjoy the blessings of safety, security, and liberty.

God expected his people to work hard, provide for their own families, be compassionate to those with genuine need and to be honest in business. The use of “unjust weights and measures” was an abomination.

Historically, we know that inflation contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire as what began as pure gold and silver coins were debased with metal alloys allowing the Caesars to increase their power by inflating their supply of money. Sadly, this action devalued existing currency held by its citizens eventually leading to their poverty.

We are experiencing the devastating effects of inflation in America today with the poorest among us suffering the most.

The Texas Transactional Currency Bills SB 2334 and HB4903 would be a refuge of sound money for Texans, Americans, and the world. According to a recent CNBC report, 64% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck1. Those who have the means, and an investment portfolio can hedge against inflation to some degree, but 64% of Americans cannot.

By passing Texas Transactional Currency Bills SB 2334 and HB4903, every American, regardless of economic class, could have a portion of their assets invested in gold as a protection against inflation, while still enjoying the same convenient access to their funds through use of a debit card.

Rather than having a paycheck directly deposited in a bank with the proceeds held in dollars, one’s paycheck could be direct deposited in the Texas Depository with the proceeds held in gold. With modern technology, any debit card transaction instantly processes and updates the amount of gold one holds on deposit rather than dollars in an account.

The State of Texas could increase state revenues and possibly lower the current tax burden on its citizens from the typical 1-2% transactional fee currently charged by card service providers. This is not an additional cost. These transaction fees are already paid. With the Texas Depositary, the State of Texas and its citizens would reap the benefits.

This act, already secured as a state right within the US Constitution, would be blessing for every individual worldwide that chose to use it and a windfall for the State of Texas.

Everyone wins.
Critical New Alert - Texas has an exciting and unique opportunity to allow people from all walks of life to own gold and use it as currency! We already have built the Texas Bullion Depository in Leander. SB 2334 and companion bill HB 4903 would create a way for everyday Texans to buy, store, and spend their own gold as a natural hedge against inflation. When gold becomes a currency, there are no capital gains or losses when holding it as currency. Equally important, using stored gold as a currency is constitutional, safe, and secure. As some other nations are moving to cryptocurrencies and our current US leadership talks about doing the same, this would be another safety tool for your hard-earned savings.

Several other states are already expressing interest in investing their gold in Texas and allowing their citizens to do the same. Texas will earn income by receiving part of the small fee that businesses pay when taking a debit card for payment. The gold you own and store will be completely liquid. No need to chip off a piece and weigh it like in the 1800’s.

This is not cryptocurrency - this gives you the ability to spend your own gold using a debit card.

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