Sight Alignment vs Trigger Control: Which One is Required to Hit Where You Aim?

1 year ago

In this video, I'm going to teach you why sight alignment is more important than trigger control. Now let's go ahead and get started.

All right, so one of the most interesting debates that I see going on online is the debate between what's more important. Is it trigger control or is it sight alignment? And I believe, and I hope to show you with some evidence here that it is sight alignment is always going to be more important than trigger control.

All right, so first up, let me just exaggerate this so you can quickly grasp why it's more important and hopefully this will click with you if you. If you are on the trigger side of the debate, hopefully, you'll look at this, you're either going to look at it and you're going to go, you know what that makes sense or you're going to go wait a minute, that's not right and you'll find some reason why it's not right and I'll go back and hopefully address those after this.

I have my handy SIRT pistol here and let's just again exaggerate and talk about this debate and see which one is more important. So I am on the side that says making sure that these sites are aligned is more important than how this trigger, well, how my finger moves, right? Because we're talking about trigger finger manipulating that trigger. So if I were to take these sites and say you're my target right here, but my sites are off over here. Remember I said I was going to exaggerate so my sites are not aligned with where I want them to be, but I am going to gingerly, caress this trigger so perfectly that it is just going so smoothly move to the rear until the sear releases and - oh, the round went off.

But guess what? I missed my target. How can that be? Because I practiced perfect trigger control. I manipulated that trigger so nicely. I didn't pull it right, because some people don't like the word pulling the trigger. I didn't push the trigger or you know, I pressed it. I caressed it back to the rear.

However, I did it. It was perfect. But guess what? These little pieces of metal, we're not aimed at my target properly.
So the other side of that would be I am going to line up these sites perfectly again, unfortunately, you're my target here and this one and I put my gun in a vice and I cranked down the vice. So no matter what happens, these sites cannot move, right? Because I am of the school, that sight alignment is more important, but now with this device and my site's perfectly aligned, I could take a stick from over here and just poke at the trigger until the gun goes bang. But because these sites are perfectly aligned and they're not moving, I am going to hit my target.

You guys see the difference over here. Perfect trigger manipulation; Miss my target. Here, Perfect sight alignment, do whatever I want to that trigger, right? I could maybe pull it like this with my pinky, it doesn't matter because what matters is that these are aligned. That's what those pieces of metal are up on the top of your firearm for is to be able to align with your target and be able to hit it.

So now what I need to address is what I talked about earlier. So hopefully you were like; big picture - Okay, I got it. Yeah. That is more important. But if you're like, yeah, well you're not going to be pointing your gun sideways. Well, okay. Well, let's just say that I'm pointing in the general direction of my target and I go to press back on the trigger, but as I press back, my gun moves for whatever reason, maybe it's my grip strength or my grip is not correct. My finger placement is not correct. It doesn't matter the reason, but when I press that back, the gun is moving and my sites become unaligned. So you will hear people say, and maybe you say this yourself, the reason that that triggered control is so critically important is to what? What's that saying? Yes to not disturb the sites.

That's why people say that it's trigger manipulation, trigger pull, trigger control is so important because you don't want to disturb the sites. So I'm simply saying, guess what? You gave me the argument in your argument, right? So I'm just saying, yeah, let's just not disturb the sites. So it doesn't matter whether it's from your trigger finger or from any other reason, your grip, you're moving around. What's important is your sight alignment.

So how do I teach that? Well, I teach people to pull the trigger with your eyes and it may sound kind of silly at first, but what I mean is when I'm going to shoot, I am using my eyes obviously to make sure that my sights are aligned and what I'm doing because I've trained so much. My eyes are subconsciously telling my mind, alright, the sites are perfectly aligned and when my mind hears that it subconsciously tells my finger that it's safe to move back, but if that finger or my grip turns, my eyes are going to detect that and they're going to say, okay, stop moving the trigger.

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