Hellcat Pro/Strike Industries Comp

1 year ago

The Strike Industries Quad Comp is a micro comp that threads on and actually matches the look and profile of the Hellcat Pro. How well does it work though? How tame is it going to make the Hellcat Pro for those looking to decrease recoil? What are some of the negatives that come along with using a comp? Today we explore this comp and see if its just what the Hellcat Pro needed

Strike Industries - https://www.strikeindustries.com/si-mc-quad.html
DPM - https://www.dpmsystems.com/dpm-ms-for-springfield-hellcat-pro-3-7-hs11
Reusable Targets - https://alnk.to/5F7MXkO
360TS for 15% off on ID Targets

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0:00 - Intro
01:24 - Disclaimer
02:17 - Lets begin
04:11 - Testing w/stock springs
04:52 - Infinity Target!!
05:58 - She Loud...
06:21 - Great Balls Of Fire
06:50 - Recoil Reduction
08:01 - Quad Comp W/DPM Spring
10:07 - Conclusion...kind of
11:16 - Downsides?
12:06 - Holsters
14:36 - Real Conclusion
16:22 - Range Time


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