🍀 Random Explosions Everywhere | EDF 6 (Earth Defense Force 6)

1 year ago

Explosion magic, the strongest of all offensive magic.

#EDF6 #EarthDefenseForce6 #地球防衛軍6 #EarthDefenseForce #EDF #random

We Wara Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF6) Full Episode Playlist Guide:

📷 • Earth Defense Force 6

Jaeger: This boss took us quite awhile to beat. I admit that my plan of just staying in the center and shooting the core was awful. I was under the impression that since I destroyed the Mothership 11 core in 30 seconds this boss should be similar but I was sorely mistaken. There were many other attempts that aren't shown. I think maybe 4 or 5 I lost count and we stopped recording the gameplay because we have recorded every mission (this is mission 146) on both consoles so far. Consequently we were running out of storage space. As a result for the winning battle we started recording when I had a solid strategy that I was confident would work. What also made the battle difficult was Akari's lack of weaponry for dealing with distant airborne targets. Her furthest ranged weapon was a sniper drone. Though the drone has to travel to the target strike then return to Akari. Thus making each hit take a few seconds of just waiting for the drone to do its roundtrip. That's why I had her just focus on the small enemies while I used my GrantM40. Looking back it seems pretty simple but in the heat of battle it was difficult to understand what is going on when it was raining lasers and explosions.

Behind the scenes: This battle ended up being quite long and thus made for a long video. I've been meaning to finish up the EDF 6 series so we can move on to the other projects we have on our backlog but there was so much going on in this one mission that it needed the lengthy runtime. It was wild to watch Akari just rolling around the battlefield lost and confused for 10 minutes. It was unbelievable how she was surviving that long. I had to put it in the final cut because it's a good memory that I want to keep. Also it lead to us getting an understanding of the boss and that hidden permanent cover. Even when we were losing the battle we were learning so much about how to overcome the challenge. I see it as encouragement to keep trying and learning through the process of getting knocked down again and again....and again...and a few more times again but then pulling off a clean win. Thanks to everyone for the positive YouTube comments! One of them disappeared. I saw it in the notification but it won't show it when I click on it. I think it got caught by the YouTube filter. I tried looking for any comments held for review but it still wasn't there. We didn't delete any comments or try to hide them but I guess YouTube will still try to hide some of them. Sorry if that happens to you but we can still read them in the notification and appreciate it!

Game Info: Live the future of despair.


The year is 2024 AD. Mankind has won the long battle against the unknown invaders. The enemy Primers are now gone and peace has returned to Mother Earth. However, the population has shrunk to 10% and the world was on the verge of collapse. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery. Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.

Save the future of Earth in the new world.

The identity of the invader that has long tormented Earth is finally revealed. A chain of deep despair that strikes in a devastated world for the first time in the series...But your presence as a soldier of the EDF will lead humanity to the greatest joy. Now you must face it with courage and wisdom.

The largest volume in the history of the series. Supports online co-op play.

The largest number of missions and weapons ever included. All missions support online co-op play for up to four players. Offline co-op play is also available in split-screen mode. Take control of four different soldier classes and fight alongside real EDF members from across the country.  

About Our Channel: We are an international married couple that enjoys gaming together. Jaeger was born and raised in the USA and Akari was born and raised in Japan. Both of us have played games throughout our lives and when we met each and started gaming together we had so much more fun together. Unfortunately we had so many great gaming moments together that it became difficult to remember them all. We began saving videos and screenshots as we played together but eventually our storage space started to fill up. So we moved to YouTube where there is plenty of storage and its safe from accidents. The channel name is We as in the English plural pronoun and 笑 read as "wara" for the Japanese kanji for laugh.

We Wara (笑)

@we_wara @we_wara_extras

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