A Violent reaction

1 year ago

"There’s a method to their madness…there’s really not much method to yours…..because you’re operating from a place of ignorance. Until you change that, you’re going to be bumbling around bumping into each other, saying &doing the wrong things, not understanding the nature of your enemy. If you don’t understand the nature of your enemy &the weapons they use, you cannot fight that enemy, you can’t fight the battle, you shouldn’t even be on the battlefield. It’s why you are losing the war, &don’t tell me you’re not, because I am in a place of great knowledge about who’s winning &who’s losing this war, &I can assure you you’re losing the war. It doesn’t mean it cant be turned around, but it will never be turned around until you learn what you need to know… You don’t even recognize half the weapons they use against you. Some of them seem so insignificant that you don’t even try."
William Cooper

Research 5th Generation warfare
Fifth-generation warfare is a war of information and perception. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. The basic idea is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerillas, but in the minds of common citizens.

Music American Head charge
a metal band from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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