Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - April 14, 2023

1 year ago

Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - April 14, 2023

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Tom Donelson and Dr. Larry Fedewa discuss:

The leak of a wide variety of sensitive documents revealing that the Biden Administration has been lying to the public about Ukraine.

Chinas escalating hegemonic goals to dominate the world & using Biden’s and the Lefts Green New Deal to increase US dependence upon China.

France signals that Biden’s weakness and fecklessness is causing them to align with China. Other allies are doing the same. Let’s go Brandon!

School Choice is the way to counter the Left’s attempt to impose wokeism in all the government run schools.

The DOJ & FBI have been spying on Jews & Catholics — not cool!

The Boston Marathon and the 10 yea anniversary of the bombing.

The sale of the Washington Commanders (aka Redskins & Football Team) for a record $6 billion.

Americans are fleeing the biggest cities because of crime & violence, failing schools, and dying jobs and opportunity.

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