Priority of His Presence Part 1 Passionate Worshippers

1 year ago

Before Jonathan's father was a pastor he was a Colombian guerrilla rebel fighter hired to assassinate an evangelist. As a young adult, Jonathan seriously contemplated suicide that ended with a major moment with God. Today, Jonathan leads worship at his father's church, assisted by his wife, Rebecca. They have three young children and want to live to serve God.

In this true story:

We did not have enough money for groceries. – Jonathan

Perfection is pressure. You have this pressure to be the perfect parent, the perfect mother, the perfect dad. I am going to try to be the best mom that I can be. But I’m not perfect. I’m human. I fail sometimes. But I do want them to take away that we love them. Sometimes you have to forgive yourself for the mistakes that don’t look as perfect as you would expect them to be. Have faith that God will finish the good work in your life. – Rebecca

God’s word says “His perfect love cast out all fear.” Jonathan

“You [Lord] came near on the day I called You. You said, ‘Do not fear.’’ Lamentations 3:57

In the middle of my anger, I have to ask God help me to communicate.’’ Jonathan

I have messed up sometimes…by ignoring. I have learned I do need to communicate and I need to learn to communicate in a wise way. – Jonathan

With kids you need to be patient, but not patient as the world teaches by doing nothing. Be purposeful in your patience. – Jonathan

My parents - we lived in Columbia. My dad was a guerrilla going to assassinate an evangelist. The evangelist said, ‘I believe there is someone here that is here to kill me.” My dad’s testimony is that he went up and everyone freaked out because he came and put his gun down and gave his life to the Lord. From then on his life turned completely around. His decision kind of paved the way for me and my whole family. Knowing all that background of my family made me realize, God can break barriers wherever we go with the priority of his presence. – Jonathan

We have all had that calling. We are passionate to share who God is and what God can do in your life if you just let Him. – Rebecca

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