A permaculture consultation with Colin and Maia (Zone 3)

1 year ago

Disclaimer: I have closed consultations for the time being - I just simply don't have the time to get to all the demand. I am incredibly honored that so many of you want me to help you design your projects. Perhaps when life gets a little less hectic I will do more of these, and even do this full time. I do really enjoy helping people out.

In today's episode, Colin and Maia wanted to share their consultation with everyone (it was their idea infact!). What an incredible couple these two are. Newly married, child on the way, just jumped on a large suburban/semi-rural property, and want to build a food forest.

In this consult, we discuss access, water, grading, plant selection, location, soil pH, site design, site goals, geothermal, ponds, raised beds, even a hockey rink, and all sorts of other great stuff.

Unfortunately, the video cut out and when we rejoined we talked about pollination, fertility building, thermal microclimates, plant selection, and a few other things, which weren't captured by the recording. However, I think enough of this video was captured, that I think there's value in sharing it.

One last thing, as much as Colin and Maia didn't mind their information being made semi-public, please still respect their privacy. We are all a family here.

Happy growing season everyone! I'm hoping that Colin and Maia will share their progress in maybe a fall "viewer vids" series. I wasn't able to do one last year due to just how incredibly busy work got, but I'm hoping to be able to do one this year.

Much love,

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Want to see more of the family? Love board games? We now have a second channel called Game Knight: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVgUtlWMEqaKCbHadIgG8Q

On this channel we show more family life, camping, board games, more kids more wife, more fun outside of gardening. Want to get to know the family better? Check it up and subscribe!

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Channels we support:

Moving to the country to start a new life. Young Family trades sodgrass for a horse farm over at Barn Boots and Country Roots: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRevkfe3phDB0bKeJ1wW2Yw

For great recipes, cooking, storing, canning, and growing tips, check out Gardening in the North: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHk8xZzWYjZv0pjfr9iOjxw

Music credits:

Epidemic sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/qfqvpi/

Closer by Jay Someday | https://soundcloud.com/jaysomeday
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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