The Logic of Social Cooperation | Achieving a Goal

1 year ago

#economics #logic #peace

In order for social cooperation to happen, humans must act. This is different than reflexive behavior, this is to substitute one state of affairs for another. This is aimed towards a goal, seeking to remove a felt uneasiness. Acting man chooses between one state of affairs and another, two states that cannot be held simultaneously. The actor values one over the other. Human action doesn’t distinguish between vigorous activity and passive activity, all that matters is there is purposeful—a definite behavior—action.

Humans, over all other animals, has a will, he can think, suppress his instinct, emotions, and impulses. There are somethings we know without experience. For example, an increase in the quantity of money, all things being equal, will reduce the value. This seems so obvious, yet the empiricist will insist on testing it out first, which is essentially all modern economists. This is absurd as asking why socialism or fascism can’t work. We know these can’t work, a priori, because they can’t calculate. But an empiricist would say, “we didn’t control for Stalin and Hitler’s mustache.” Yes! That’s really what they think. I hope the reader sees the empiricist method is preposterous.

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