Medal Of Honor Air Born ''Operation Neptune'' Walkthrough Part 3

1 year ago

Medal of Honor Airborne is a first-person shooter video game developed by EA Los Angeles and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released in 2007 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The game takes place during World War II and the player assumes the role of Private First Class Boyd Travers, a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. In this walkthrough, we will be focusing on Part 3 of Operation Neptune.

Operation Neptune is the first campaign of Medal of Honor Airborne and is set in the Normandy region of France during the D-Day invasion. In Part 1 of the campaign, the player must successfully complete their parachute drop into Normandy and secure the area around the drop zone. In Part 2, the player must sabotage a German artillery battery and clear out a nearby town. In Part 3, the player must secure a bridge and destroy several anti-aircraft guns to allow Allied bombers to pass.

The mission begins with the player landing in a field with their fellow paratroopers. The player must then move towards the bridge and clear out any enemy forces along the way. The player can use their weapons, grenades, and melee attacks to take out the enemies. The player should also be mindful of their health and take cover when necessary. The player can replenish their health by finding first aid kits scattered throughout the level.

Once the player reaches the bridge, they must secure it by eliminating any remaining enemies. The player can use the bridge as a vantage point to take out enemies on the other side of the river. The player must then move towards the anti-aircraft guns and destroy them with explosives. The player should be careful not to get caught in the blast radius of the explosives.

After destroying the anti-aircraft guns, the player must eliminate any remaining enemies in the area. The player must then proceed to the extraction point to complete the mission. The extraction point is located near the bridge and is marked on the player's map.

The mission is challenging and requires the player to use their wits and skills to succeed. The player must be strategic in their approach and use cover to avoid enemy fire. The player should also make use of their weapons and grenades to take out enemies quickly. The player should also be mindful of their health and take cover when necessary.

In addition to the main objectives, there are also several secondary objectives that the player can complete for bonus points. These objectives include destroying enemy vehicles, collecting enemy intelligence, and completing the level within a certain time limit.

Overall, Part 3 of Operation Neptune is a thrilling and action-packed mission that will test the player's skills and strategy. The player must be careful and calculated in their approach to succeed. The game's graphics and sound effects also contribute to the immersive experience, making the player feel like they are in the midst of a battle. Medal of Honor Airborne is a must-play for fans of first-person shooter games and World War II history.

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