Completion | Chillaxe | LoPhi Chill | Phi Balanced

1 year ago

For more like these, Check out our LoPhi Playlist

As part of a series, this particular LoPhi (Lofi) solfeggio program with asmr, is centered around a 432Hz pure tone.

More than traditional solfeggio pure tone music, Phi Tribes unique Phituning method adds unparalleled effectiveness, literally vibrating every single electron into toroidal balance with the Golden Ratio.

"Everything is music. The symphony of the cosmos is a momentary Magnum Opus, and the thing you call life is but a unique instrumental expression of a single note in this grand musical experience."

Phi Music is a brand new way of fractal tuning based on Nikola Tesla's approach to Vortex Mathematics. Dubbed "The Miracle of 3-6-9", this way of understanding the numerology and nature of spinning toroids, just might be the greatest invention Tesla gave to the world. Through this understanding and "phi tuning" methodology, it is possible to bring every aspect of nature, both physical as well as metaphysical into toroidal balance with "Phi", otherwise known as "The Golden Ratio" of nature.

Composed, Produced and Mixed by FORD
FordProductions, Atlanta
©️2023 Ford Productions

Video created by Ford

Released Exclusively by Phi Tribe

For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube

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And for more great 432Hz music, please subscribe to the Phi Tribe YouTube Channel.

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Fb: @phitribe369
IG: @phitribe369
TW: @phitribe

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Phi Tribe
The worlds first exclusively Phi Balanced Music™️ to tune and heal the body and mind
It's Deeper Than You Think

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