An Addiction Story, with Sheila Ramsey - Friends of Zeus Podcast #111

1 year ago

In this episode we welcome Sheila Ramsey, RN to our show to discuss addiction, nursing, faith, loss, faith, healing and her personal story. After episode #110, Sheila contacted us and asked if she could join us for this follow up discussion. Please check out her book What Nurses Don’t Tell written in 2019 as well as her other modes of outreach. We hope you find this discussion as a positive and enlightening as we did. Thank you to Sheila!

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#Addiction, #Recovery, #Fentanyl, #Intervention, #Nursing, #Faith, #Loss, #Healing, #WhatNursesDontTell, #BorderCrisis, #Drugs, #Addict, #Love, #FOZ

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