Let's Talk: Johnny Cash, Kitty Brooker Artwork & SHOUT-OUTS - #Livestream & #Asthma Update 🔴🎨

1 year ago

It's been another rough week of chest problems, viral infections and Asthma. I managed to find a quiet moment to do a Livestream talking my Johnny Cash Collection, Kitty Brooker's #Pokémon & #FantasyArtWork and how my Brother went with me to the NEMS 24/7 GP Service in #Nottingham over #EasterWeekend.

Kitty Brooker Art Illustration Prints: https://www.kittybrooker.com/
Samaritans Tel: 116 123 (UK Only) - There, to Listen.

@tuberchat (Kevin Kaye & Tuber-Chat Family)
@WolvespiritProductions (Tuber-Chat Family)
@d.p.swonderfulworld (Tuber-Chat Family)
@TheWeightLiftingGeek (Tuber-Chat Family)
@SamsVlogstrainsmore (Train Vlogs & Tuber-Chat Family)
@scratchinpetepa (Scratch Tickets & Tuber-Chat Family)
@vid-o-rama (VHS Lover & Artist)
@gojira851 (Godzilla Collector)
@GojiFan1998 (Godzilla Collector)
@renssy (Bass Rock Music)

#JohnnyCash #BillyIdol #KittyBrooker #GodzillaToys #NightmareBeforeChristmas #ArtWork #TuberChat #AsthmaUpdate #AsthmaProblems #JustTalking #ChitChat #WWE #Microphones

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