Blue to Red (Side by Side) (2019)

1 year ago

A one-man play I wrote describing the downfall and victory of many men. Performed at The 21 Convention in Orlando, Florida. I almost named this play "Never too late... to grow a pair", but I wanted this to be more poignant than funny, although I did slip in a few classic one-liners. I did think of calling it "You'll be fine. You'll be OK" due to the theme, which pretty much is my mantra.
I acted in skits, plays, films, commercials, and infomercials since my youth. A great part time hobby that spills over into real life.
I've been speaking professionally for over 40 years. I got tired of podium after podium and started incorporating dramatic elements and props in my speeches. This was my first one-man play. My biggest inspiration for this genre is Leslie Neilson who I first saw portray Clarence Darrow in a one-man play at the Irving Theater at the University of Pennsylvania.
I started writing this while in Poland in July 2019. I first performed this in October 2019. Since then, I am editing and re-editing it to be performed at universities, conferences, retreats, and churches.

The blue pilled mindset and life always leads to misery. Men can grow, but usually learn lessons in love, the hard way. I chose to write a happy ending with him be fulfilled being a husband, raising a family, and having a traditional wife who loved him. He learned how to flirt, lost his entitlement, gained a sense of humor, and built a new attractive body. I could have wrote an ending where he lived happily ever after... on his own, which is very possible too. I think of I did that, I would definitely write more humor in it and make it a comedy. A comedy as in a happy amusing life.
Well congratulations, you just watched my first performance of this. From paper to stage. One guy you might know said to me he didn't see any dry eyes in the room.

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