The Green Revolution Starts in Your Backyard: Self-Sufficiency Made Simple

1 year ago

The Green Revolution Starts in Your Backyard: Self-Sufficiency Made Simple
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The Green Revolution Starts in Your Backyard: Self-Sufficiency Made Simple is a guide to creating a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. The book offers practical advice on how to grow your own food, raise chickens and other livestock, and create a self-sustaining home. The Green Revolution Starts in Your Backyard covers a variety of topics, including gardening, composting, water conservation, and energy efficiency. The book includes tips and tricks for reducing waste, saving money, and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The book also includes recipes for using home-grown produce and tips on how to preserve and store food. The Green Revolution Starts in Your Backyard: Self-Sufficiency Made Simple is suitable for anyone looking to reduce their environmental impact and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

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