Roots of Yggdrasil Gameplay Demo - Tutorial

1 year ago

Roots of Yggdrasil is available on Steam. Found this on Twitter. Looked interesting so I wanted to give it a try.

0:10: Start
1:40 Sturdy Housing
As you increase your population, it unlocks additional buildings.

2:40 Equipment Post
This generates exploration points so you can expand the map

3:15 Land Expanded
Took 1 turn to explore and open the land

4:10 Lumber Mill
Needs at least 1 house nearby

4:25 Thrasir special powers
Build a free house when his bar fills up

5:00 Debuffs
Negative events come and go.

5:46 Champion Statue
Harvest Wonders

6:00 Water Well
Not sure what this does but you need nearby housing. Looks like it generates money.

7:45 Iron Mine
Produces more money

10:45 Adventure found
You can assign Scions to do these expeditions.

12:15 Adventure finished
Get random reward

12:38 Found Seedling
Build 3 houses around it to harvest

13:00 Portal Opened
Just needed 1 seedling power so Portal opened up

13:53 Ginnugagap
Some cloud like structure that slowly covers the map and when it does, you fail unless you leave via portal. Turns have timers now that will go to next turn automatically. All bonus time at this point so you can stay a bit longer to get more resources or leave to next level.

16:00 Took Portal
Reward selection

16:30 Holt
This is home and you can now pick another level to go to or explore Holt:
Thrasir's Workshop
Lif's Greenhouse
Bifrost Portal

This ends the Tutorial and will try one of the three portals in the next video. Thanks for Watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#endlessgaming #learning #gameplay #indiegame #playthrough #tutorial #start #indiegames #building #yggdrasill #roguelike #roguelite #demo

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