Tennessee Democrats EXPELLED Are BACK! Dianne Feinstein STILL Clinging to Power! More GOP L's!

1 year ago

The magic trick regarding overcoming leading an insurrection on a State Capitol is simply being a Democrat! Who knew? Both Justin Pearson, the professional MLK cosplayer and Justin Jones, violent rioter, are back in the Tennessee House as Representatives because establishment Republicans do not possess a spine at any level.

Dianne Feinstein hasn't been able to fulfill her roles as a Senator since February. She wants TEMPORARY removal from committee assignments, but at 89-years of age, JUST RETIRE ALREADY! Nancy Pelosi, who is also in the 80-plus club, thinks it's just sexism driving the Feinstein calls. Bruh, they are one trick ponies. But if it works, can you really blame them?

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/second-tennessee-democrat-reinstated-to-seat-he-was-ousted-from_5186601.html
Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11969191/Video-reveals-reinstated-Tennessee-Rep-hurling-traffic-cone-driver-BLM-protest.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/senate-democrats-ask-doj-to-probe-expulsion-of-tennessee-state-legislators_5190516.html
ET3: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fellow-democrats-call-for-sen-dianne-feinstein-to-resign-amid-ongoing-health-issues_5191610.html
ET4: https://www.theepochtimes.com/nancy-pelosi-suggests-calls-for-sen-dianne-feinstein-to-resign-are-sexist_5192084.html

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#TennesseeThree #Tennessee #JustinJones #JustinPearson #MLK #NancyPelosi #DianneFeinstein #Feinstein #Senate #Politics #GOP #Democrats

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