My Maytag Brovos Drive Hub Replacement Experience

5 years ago

In this video I share my experience dealing with a stripped out drive hub on my Maytag Brovos top loader washing machine. The model number of my washer is MVWX655DW1. As I understand it this design is used on more than just Maytage high efficiency designs. So, this video may help with other applications. (which ones I don't know. ) This video, though it does go into some detail of how I replaced the drive hub, is not a "how to" video. It's mainly a video showing how your washing machine may sound and act if the drive hub is stripped out. Also, this video makes not guaranty that if your machine sounds like this that it is in fact a stripped out drive hub causing it. You will have to properly diagnose your machine before performing a repair. This is also not a "how to" video on how to properly diagnose your machine.

Now, if you need a how to guide on how to replace the drive hub then I'd suggest watching the video linked below. It was the best one by far I've found on this job. Note: I make no guaranty regarding the work of another channel. I make no guaranty that by following the video linked below that you will fix your washing machine. I make no guaranty that you will be safe performing the repair shown in said video. Use the information found in this video linked below at your own risk.

Disclaimer: Performing appliance repair can be very dangerous. Be sure to disconnect the appliance from electricity before performing any repair. I'd always suggest using the manufacturers manual for any repair you may perform. Compare the information with any video you may find on Use the manufacturers information found in their manual above any information found in a video on youtube. Repair you appliance at your won risk. Do your own research.

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