David Dickson Alberta Legislature January 16th, 2021

1 year ago

The COVID19 vaccines are damaging for three reasons.
The vaccine is an instruction to make a pseudo vaccine (the spike protein). Turns body into a COVID generating engine. Then your body reacts to that. While it is doing this, it causes damage at a cellular level.
1. From the point of vaccination, you have a higher risk of a vaccine injury in the first 60 days than has been reported with any other vaccine in history. That immediate risk declines on the second shot but may increase on subsequent shots.

2. VAIDS – Ongoing and increasing risk with EVERY VACCINATION you take. This risk may decline over time if vaccinations are stopped but there is not enough data to know this. VAIDS is the damage these vaccines cause at a cellular level that can compromise your immune system or exacerbate an underlying condition such as cancer. This risk is ongoing and every shot INCREASES the damage. Markers for this damage can be tested for easily with a d-dimer blood test (shows damaged blood cells) and a C-reactive protein (CRP) inflammation marker test. Another sign to look for in the early stage is muscular damage presenting as rhabdomyolysis (crush syndrome).

3. ADE/Pathogenic Priming – This is the risk posed when you come into contact with another coronavirus that may trigger ADE/Pathogenic Priming. The result looks like severe COVID leading to multiple organ failure due to a cytokine storm. Death is likely at any point in that process. However, the risk window of this is in coronavirus season (once a year late winter into spring).

ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement (triggers the body to overreact to a similar virus)
VAIDS - (“Vaccine” Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) - destruction of your immune system by the vaccine that reduces/stops you fighting off infections.

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