Revelation 6. Satan identified as the second horseman of the apocalypse.

1 year ago

After 1680 years the seven seals/lies/woes of Satan are broken!
The second coming of the Lord is at hand now that the second horseman of the apocalypse is revealed as Satan by the Sword of the Spirit (the bow) Christ again wields (FIRST SEAL Rev. 6:2) in these last days, Heb. 1:2; Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21. Satan has stolen peace from this world with his mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men (SECOND SEAL Rev. 6:4). We need the Sword of the Spirit as we are not battling against flesh and blood Eph. 6:12, but against Satan and other demons, who are spirits of dead evil men, pretending to be Elohim 2 Thess. 2:4; (THIRD AND FOURTH SEALS Rev. 6:5-7) and convincing us that our moral standards, bibles, preaching, and religions are better than Christ's Gen. 2:17-4:12, which is why we live in a cancel culture world where everyone is a respecter of persons.
Bibles of men were the authority behind the murder of Christ and Christians (FIFTH SEAL Rev. 6:9). The destroyer or Space weather will destroy the evil, non-repentant world by fire (SIXTH SEAL Rev. 6:12; 2 Pet. 3; Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Rev. 18:4; Matt. 7:21ff.). This will make a new heaven and a new earth for the second age of Christianity to continue for 750 years, Matt. 5:5; Eph. 2:7. Christ will be the only one sanctified and glorified at His second coming (SEVENTH SEAL Rev. 8:1; Lev. 10:3; Hab. 2:20).
How does Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse, steal peace from men and convince us to kill each other Rev. 6:4?
Christ rules over His kingdom with the bow of the Perfect Law of Liberty Rev. 6:2, for what is, as one day, to Him. For men, Christ's rule as King is a thousand years divided into two ages (the first and second coming of the Lord) by the Roman apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3; Eph. 2:7; 2 Pet. 3:8 .In the book of Job, from the wisdom from above as opposed to the wisdom from below James 5; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Rev. 5:1ff; Micah 7:15, Dan. 12:4,

Satan, the first preacher among men before he was a demon, was given power and a mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men by the Lord. This enabled him, the antichrist, to have the ability to pretend to be Jehovah and rule over the kingdoms of this world as the second horseman of the apocalypse Rev. 6:4, bringing suffering, pain, and death to the family of Job and stealing peace from this earth for all men for 6,000 years during his rule over the kingdoms of men during the two great falls of man Rom. 5:12; Gen. 2:17-4:12; 2 Thess. 2:1-11.
Satan pretended to be Jehovah while trying to destroy Job's life 2 Thess. 2:4. This is why Job believed he knew the mind of Jehovah and had the right and ability to question Elohim. 1680 years ago, Satan, while pretending to be Jehovah 2 Thess. 2:4 convinced leaders in the Catholic church that men could preach like the Lord and give to the world bibles and religions of men when men can't know the mind of Elohim 2 Thess. 2:1-11; 1 Cor. 2:11. The second horseman steals peace by having men believe they have the authority and ability to preach like the Prince of Peace while stealing from, judging, manipulating, and harming our fellow man with "respect of persons". Because of free moral agency, the Lord gave men a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11, and hid His face, power, glory, majesty, love Ezek. 39:22-25, the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11, the hidden manna Rev. 2:17, the Lord's hidden will Eph. 1:9; His hidden revelation 1 Cor 2:7, etc.
When the second horseman of the apocalypse, wielding his mega sword, is identified as Satan, the man of sin 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Rom. 5:12, by the Sword of the Spirit Rev. 6:4; Dan. 12:4, we know the perfect preacher is back in these last days of Satan's rule over men, in the kingdoms of men Heb. 1:2; John 12:31-32.
The Lord is restoring the Bible, which is not of private interpretation with its 2,000 to 4,000-year-old prophecies Rev. 5:1ff; Rev. 22:18ff; Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; 2 Pet. 3, etc. Those with ears to hear can now begin to follow the triple and quadruple prophecies of the Lord. Job under the rule of the second horseman of the apocalypse, foreshadowed Saul before his conversion, as does Paul's conversion to one faith from Jehovah Christianity foreshadow our conversions. If we were called to be Christians before the foundations of the world, then we now, or soon will, start understanding the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11.
The Lord has warned us that we must patiently endure the suffering brought by the second horseman until Christ returns with His bow, the Sword of the Spirit, to prepare for the first and now the second coming of the Lord Job; 2 Thess. 2:1-11; James 5:7-11. To deny the second coming of the Lord would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; 2 Pet. 3:4. Now we can begin to understand the questions given to Job by Elohim and are now required to answer Job 38:1ff.
Revelation 8-12 Christ's "reversed outline" of the New Testament, the great Christian race, the good fight of faith, or the last days of the Kingdoms of men. Christ's preaching, curriculum, hermeneutics, outlines, etc. are as high as the heavens, exceeding abundantly greater than men's. Isa. 55:9; Eph. 3:20ff.
Satan rules over the Kingdoms of men with his antichrist mega sword, of every wind of the doctrine of men Rev. 6:2.
Christ rules over the Kingdom of Elohim for one day, to Him. It is 1,000 years for men, divided into two ages by the Roman apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3; Eph. 2:7; 2 Pet. 3:8.
THE PRIZE in about 2066 AD. Revelation 8 is Christ's outline of the book of Revelation. Here the emphasis is on the prize, victory in Jesus, at His second coming. This is the answer to the Lord's example prayer Matt. 6:5-15.
THE BEGINNING. Revelation 9 is Christ's outline of Acts 1-12. This is the first ten years of the second age of Christianity and the first woe of spiritual warfare, for us from 2026 - 2035 AD.
THE STRETCH. Revelation 10-11 is Christ's outline of Acts 13-Judas. This is the last thirty years of the kingdoms of men. and the second woe of spiritual warfare from 2036 - 2065 AD.
THE PREPPING of pre-Christianity. Revelation 12 is Christ's outline of Matt.-John. The Lord gives us an overview of the New Testament so we can start getting organized in pre -Christianity for the 40 years of the Christian race 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15 Now from 2023 - 2025 AD

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