World Health Organization Treaty and IHS Amendments Update James Roduski Maria Zee

1 year ago

This is about Global Inprisonment. To force you to obey them and take tests and obey or you will be forced to. Forced from your home. Total control over your body. Mass production of death shots. Decoding the information of the W.H.O. and Pandemic Accord and International Health Agreements ( IHR) of " Pandemic Situation". What is a Pandemic Situation ? What the hell ? Right? We need to take this opporuntity under the guise of ' One Health" to point out how riduculous this is.

It says they are to have controll over our own pets, over the sanitation of our homes, over how much water we can have to drink, over ' household control'. Control over how we live in our homes, lowering nutrition levels, determining what we can eat and when. " Implementation of infection prevention". To control the over the counter use of use of anti microbrial substances. The overreach is outrageous. The things that are crazy are being made normal.

To dramatically expand a vaccine passport, a recovery certificate, our Rights will be abused, the Rights of all Nations would be given the Rights to abuse and restrict all foreign Nations, and all Nations to be able to abuse the Rights of all other Nations. There will be Covid Officers who can take you from your home, can force inject you, can take your children. All rights gone. There will be QR Codes and a Digital Prison for each of us. If all 194 Nations are able to abuse each others Human Rights then all Human Rights will be abused. This is not about health this is about total control of an abusive situation, total insantity. Every nation on Earth needs to step away from the W.H.O. It is not about health it is about total control. Do not be silent people. Call all your representatives. This is all done in secret.

There is no public comment, no one knows who these people are. We did not vote for these strangers to control our lives and to usurp tte Constitutions of the entire world!!! Who is puttting forth the words of this Treaty? Not us. Not the people of the world. Where is the Voice of the People? Our answer must be NO! We do not want this!!! No one has been held accountable, no agreements should be allowed to continue. Everyone must be held accountable for the crimes of the last three years. Monday the 17th there is going to be a debate at Westminister Hall, the E.U. You can call James Rodusiski as you can hear his phone number.

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