Pamela Acker: The Science & Morality of Vaccines

1 year ago

Family Life International Australia sits down with Pamela Acker, author of ‘The Science, Morality and Safety of Vaccines: A Catholic Perspective’ to discuss the morality of vaccines which use aborted foetal cells in their testing or production.

"When we came to understand the enormity and scope of the Pharmaceutical Industry’s reliance on abortion, as an avenue of material to aid them in developing vaccines (and other drugs) to put to market principally with the aim of making money, though under the guise of developing medicines to improve the health of people around the world, then we knew that we had to address this issue. The amount of fines imposed on these corporate behemoths for corrupt practices especially over the last few decades runs into tens of billions of dollars. If nothing else, that should sound the alarm for most people.

"Pamela Acker was working in the vaccine industry doing research on plant based vaccines as an ethical alternative to the use of aborted foetal cell lines whilst undertaking her PhD. She left the industry when she discovered those she was working with were using such cell lines themselves. She then began researching this issue while working for the Kolbe Centre and in December 2020 published the book “The Science, Morality and Safety of Vaccines; A Catholic Perspective.”

"Pamela was asked by FLI Australia to come and accompany Steve Mosher on the speaking tour around our country. Unfortunately due to a congenital problem with an ankle she is severely restricted in her ability to walk and was unable to come in person but was happy to address these issues via a video interview with us. She is having surgery on the ankle and we hope you will include the success of that operation in your prayers. If it is successful she would love to come to Australia. In the meantime she supports us as well as Children of God for Life in researching vaccines developed by the use of aborted foetal cell lines." - Paul Hanrahan, FLI Executive Director

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