Paige Roberts - A look at mental health in the Magnolia State

1 year ago

“We are talking about our hearts and our spirits. A sense of belonging is in our hierarchy of needs. We all need to feel loved and as if we belong. When we don’t it creates an emptiness in us.” - Paige Roberts, President & CEO of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.

Roberts explains that she has been in discussion with Tiffany Murdock, the Chief Executive Officer at Singing River Health System, saying Murdock put it best when she said, "We must have a conversion around infrastructure first. If we can't get our infrastructure more solidly laid and firm, then we are not going to be able to have any success with awareness. We can have a kickass campaign on awareness, and remove all the stigma around mental health, but once we do that where are we going to send them? This is the issue, there are only 30,000 psychiatrists in the entire country."

You can read her full article here:

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