The Governing Ourselves Podcast John Root and the Unity Team Episode 5 #community

1 year ago

Governing Ourselves Podcast announcement

Join John Root, jr and the Unity Team LIVE at 8pm central, 9pm eastern for a Governing Ourselves Podcast hosted by Joe Charter of 

We aim to attract and mobilize people to join the Unity Team in developing consent-based self-governing communities.

The Podcast is open to the Public · Anyone on or off Facebook, Rumble, Linkedin, Twitch
- "Follow" and "like" the INFOWIND NEW NEWS Facebook Pages: and - to view and get notifications for the live shows
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- See the new LIVE tab at INFOWIND WEB SITE

Participate and become part of the Mega cloud unity development!Jt0BhbKS
Governing Ourselves Podcast Purpose, Vision, and Mission
Purpose: Attract and mobilize people to join the Unity Team in developing consent-based self-governing communities.
Vision: Consent-based self-governing communities that manifest and fund what community members desire is good.
- Provide an educational forum to mobilize healthy communities, without Government Mandated Organisms (GMOs)
- Mobilize people to revendicate (reclaim) the promises of the Declaration of Independence, namely consent-based self-governance and the right to fund what we desire - to assure our unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, aligned with “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.
- Provide an overview of the Unity Team’s unifying ideas, and provide deep dive sessions on each. 
At the beginning of each podcast, we give the overview of our unifying ideas.
We will only get what we desire when we create it.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”  R. Buckminster Fuller
Experience the value of creating what we desire, vs. protesting what we don’t desire.
What we focus on expands. What we resist persists.
The Unity Team: Just Abundance
Event by Infowind New News and Information
To make donations, go to:
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Just Abundance

#money #banks #currency #value #stocks #stockmarket #monetary #investments #value #selfworth

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