Kali Key - For the AR-15 and AR-10

1 year ago

I’ll be honest, when I first saw the Kali Key I said to myself, “Wtf?”  But then I realized the genius of it.  

Lets start with what the Kali Key is.  It is a drop in Bolt Carrier Group and Charging Handle for your AR-15 or AR-10 patterned rifle.  But what does it do?  It turns your otherwise semi-automatic rifle into a single shot, bolt action of sorts, firearm.  It does this by not allowing the gas from the gas tube to cycle the bolt.  Which begs the question why…

As I mentioned, it is pretty genius.  More and more States are stripping rights from gun owners and it is difficult to own guns in some places.  This is an elegant solution to the problem.  It lets you turn a semi-automatic rifle into a single shot bolt action rifle.  Thereby bypassing many of the stupid laws.

Additionally, there are some states that won’t allow you to hunt with semi-auto guns.  This solves the problem there as well.  

Part of the beauty in the Kali Key also, is the fact it isn’t permanent.  You simply open up your rifle and remove the bolt carrier group and charging handle and then drop in the Kali Key.  It is two separate pieces, both the Bolt Carrier Group and oversized Charging Handle.  They index where the Gas Key would be.  Then when you’re ready for a properly functioning rifle, just swap your BCG and charging handle back into your rifle or pistol.  Done.

It is unfortunate that we have laws like some places do, but I’m glad to see the innovation.

If you are looking to pick up a Kali Key you can do so here.


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