Will America Fall? Collapse of an Empire

1 year ago

https://nutrientsurvival.com Economically, the dollar is on the ropes. No longer seen as the infallible global currency, our adversaries – and even our friends - are brimming with excitement that the dollar’s grip on the global economy is about to end.

China is striking deals with Russia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia for international trade in the respective nation’s currencies, and away from the dollar - and the petrodollar.

Even our oldest ally, France is turning it’s back. Just this week, after a short visit with Chinese President Xi Jingping, French President Emmanuel Macron called for reduced reliance on the US dollar – and toward strategic autonomy instead of being a vassal of the US.

What a slap in the face. So obviously all the ass-kissing President Biden has been doing in Europe has gotten him – and us - nothing. Bring on another Paris accord ok.

Militarily, we’re about to get called on what I believe is smoke screen strength. Our demise will probably go down like big bad Russia - who marched into Ukraine and freaked the world out with thoughts of “this is the end of Ukraine.” Low and behold that didn’t happen, and a year later – here we are - Russia has its tail between its legs like a beaten dog – wishing they had never embarked on their “special military operation”.

The same fate waits for us - the U.S. – we’re living a lie. Our ammunition is depleted. Our forces are spread thin. And worse of all, our morale is low. We are laughed at because we are wussies. Big guns, but no balls to use them. Our military has lost faith in our commander in chief and the many woke appointees wearing the stars that he gave them. Everyone I talk to that’s in can’t wait to get out. Our real warriors are walking away. And our recruitment numbers are way off where they need to be across every branch of service. That shouldn’t be a surprise.

Our military leaders have alienated half the country because of their blind kow towing to what in their heart of hearts they know to be wrong. Walking away from Afghanistan and leaving billions of military equipment behind for the Taliban. Watching balloons float across our country gathering valuable intelligence on our strategic nuclear missile programs. Cowering away from these tangible threats without action, but instead just words – just weak concessions like “we seek competition. We do not seek conflict.” And finally, knowingly following illegitimate “science” – forcing objectors – warrior objectors -- to the vax out of service, even those with strongly held religious beliefs.

What was once a noble mission to fight and win our nation’s wars, is now more about complying with woke liberal policies and calling someone by their preferred pronouns than it is about duty, honor, country.

And domestically - here at home, our nation is more divided than ever. Blue vs. Red. Urban vs. rural. Christian vs. secular.

The only thing preventing us from all out civil war is our inability to draw the battle lines. So we sit by seething. Carefully determining who we can trust and who can’t. It’s a scene right out of the revolutionary war with the loyalists to the crown walking the same streets as the insurrectionists that today we call our founding fathers.

Crime surrounds us. We have no law and order. The liberal elites defund the police, and then cry when their homes and their businesses are ransacked by hoodlum criminals. I admire businesses like Walmart and CVS that keep it objective. They just shut their doors and walk away when the cost of doing business is greater than benefit of keeping the lights on. And predictably, they are attacked by the very people who they serve but then demonize them for their for profit interests – for pulling out, and refusing to operate stores even though it puts their business and employees at risk. You can’t have it both ways.

Our southern border is like a sieve. We have no border. Illegal immigration has become the new national pastime. Our border patrol agents have lost faith in their leadership, and fear being punished for doing their jobs.

And because of this illegal immigration has exploded – and along with it our adversaries are stuffing the flow of illegal aliens full of fighting age operatives who will infiltrate, blend in, create sleeper cells, and then - follow their foreign orders towards destroying the U.S. from within. That assumes of course, that we’re not already gone by our own doing. And all the while, we pretend like nothings the matter. It’s just another day in paradise.

For those that are awake, it frightens us. It chills us. It eats at us. But for those who sleep. Put their heads in the sand. Cast their ballots blindly for more of the same. They deserve what they get. Higher prices. Greater debt. Servitude. It’s what they want – to control you.

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