Miracles are Happening!

1 year ago

Healing Miracles are Happening!

This is the spring of 2023. The economy is crashing. The medical establishment is in a noticeable and unsetting state of decline. There is an obvious food shortage that is being insidiously forced upon humanity. The average person’s health is poor and failing. Chemtrails poison the sky with a variety of toxic materials. Food additives hence deleterious chemicals taint most of our food products. The water we drink is compromised. There is no credible source hence agency to implore for assistance. Only our Heavenly Father can help us now. The supernatural miracles of God will save the children of God at this daunting stage of the Great Tribulation, the nightmare, which we now find ourselves living. Natural remedies are imperative to heal our bodies. For some people, there is not enough time for a natural cure: they need a miracle! And they need it now. Therefore, caring Christians hence people of faith will have to form groups and meet for the sole purpose of laying hands on the sick and pray for a miracle to manifest. It is already happening in some towns, but it needs to be established in all towns and cities throughout this nation and the entire world. Weekly or daily healing services need to be firmly established. We have, unquestionably, entered this epic portion of the Great Tribulation period. Surviving by the supernatural miracles of God is now the way of life for those who put their trust in God.

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