The argument for the A-10 as made by a corporate financial analyst

1 year ago

The Air Force and Defense Industry have been trying to get the A-10 program cancelled and mothballed for decades. What is often missing from the conversation is the opinion of the pilots, the A-10’s tactical value, and the cost of replacing them. An A-10 costs $13 million versus a F-35 that costs $80 million. 30mm rounds are much cheaper than advanced guided missiles. We also need to consider loiter time over targets, amount of ordnance carried, survivability if damaged, and ability to conduct forward air control.
The A-10 was designed to blow up Soviet tanks on the plains of Europe. A-10 can make repeated passes and blasts at enemy positions with its 30mm multi-barrel Gatling gun machine gun. The A-10 operates like a tank in the sky that can take multiple direct hits before being disabled. It has an armored fuselage that is able to take a beating.
The A-10 is best flown when there is air superiority that enables it to linger over the battlefield unthreatened. The A-10 is vulnerable to advanced aircraft or air. As early as 1984, the Air Force had concerns that the A-10 wouldn’t survive against Soviet air defenses. As early as 2012, there were concerns the A-10 would not be useful in the future given a potential conflict with China. There are concerns that China’s surface to air missiles and jet fighters could down the A-10.
The A-10 flew extensively in the Gulf War where it served an outsized role. A-10s could be moved to the Middle East to fight lightly armed militaria fighters or Iran. More advanced jet fighters could then be used in the Pacific and Europe.
The A10 is unsurpassed in its ability to lay down suppressing fire against ground forces. Marine and Army ground troops appreciate air support for the A-10. The A-10 is for close combat support for army ground units.

Helicopters are easily shot down.
It is less important to have a stealth aircraft when you are flying just above the trees to destroy tanks and fortified defensive installations.
The A-10 requires air supremacy to avoid being shot down.

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