Tweeker Story in the Description Box

1 year ago

Sorry, I didn't capture on video. Tweekers who live outside got in a tiff outside a grocery store. We were at the store to factcheck the fake news who claim food prices are down to 2020 levels.

One of the tweekers has two dogs who should not have to live outside with a tweeker. Fine for Fauci, but not for dogs.

Anyway, we hear a commotion in the corner where the tweekers spread their diseases and filth. One of the dogs attacked the meth whore who was barely clothed. Chewed up her leg. (maybe clothes are a good idea?) Cops come and give meth whore a bandaid and left within a minute. Animal control not present.

Cashier, like many others these days are very comfortable with the name Tweekers for the bums who rob them all the time. 4 times in a row for us, store employees are talking about tweekers out loud.

Factcheck: FALSE - Prices are as high as ever and many items are no longer available.

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