The Threshold Covenant

1 year ago

Shalom Pillars,
You will be blessed by the teaching. In the previous lesson on the Passover God tells the Israelites to take a lamb and slay it. He then instructed them to take the blood of the lamb and strike the doorposts and the lintel of the door of their homes. This would be a sign of the covenant He was making with them to keep the angel of death from killing their firstborn sons, but not the firstborns of Egypt. This covenant is known as the threshold covenant and is clear revealed in the New Testament (Renewed Covenant). Since the church is disconnected from her Hebraic heritage we have lost our understanding of covenant language being used throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. You will be blessed because your eyes will be open to see and your ears opened to hear what thus says the Lord through His holy scriptures and through covenant language.
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