Medal Of Honor Air Born ''Operation Neptune'' Walkthrough Part 1

1 year ago

Medal of Honor Airborne is a first-person shooter game that takes place during World War II. In this game, you play as Boyd Travers, a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Your mission is to infiltrate enemy lines and complete various objectives. The game is known for its realistic depiction of World War II and its gameplay mechanics that allow you to choose your own path through the mission.

Operation Neptune is the first mission in the game and serves as the tutorial level. In this mission, you will learn the basic controls and gameplay mechanics of the game. The mission takes place on June 6, 1944, during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Your objective is to parachute into Normandy and secure key positions to assist the Allied forces in their invasion.

The mission begins with a cutscene that shows your plane flying over the English Channel towards Normandy. The atmosphere is tense, and your fellow soldiers are nervous. The scene sets the tone for the mission and the game as a whole. When the cutscene ends, you will be on the ground near a group of soldiers. Follow them towards the plane and board it by approaching the open door and pressing the interact button.

Once inside the plane, you will need to prepare to jump. First, grab a parachute from the equipment crate near the back of the plane. You will then need to choose your drop zone by approaching the map table near the front of the plane. There are several drop zones to choose from, each with its own objectives. For this walkthrough, we will choose the "Sainte-Mère-Église" drop zone, which has the objective of securing a church in the town.

After selecting your drop zone, head towards the front of the plane and interact with the jumpmaster to receive your orders. He will give you a briefing on your objectives and the enemies you will face. He will also remind you to pull your ripcord at the right time to avoid injury.

Once you have received your orders, it's time to jump out of the plane. Approach the open door and press the jump button to begin your descent. You will freefall for a few seconds before your parachute deploys. Use the movement controls to steer yourself towards your landing zone.

When you land, you will be behind enemy lines. Your first objective is to secure a nearby farmhouse. The farmhouse is guarded by several enemy soldiers, so be careful. You can use your weapon to eliminate them or use stealth to sneak up on them and take them out silently.

After securing the farmhouse, your next objective is to clear a nearby orchard of enemy soldiers. There are several ways to approach this objective. You can charge in guns blazing, or you can take a more stealthy approach and use cover to avoid detection. You can also climb up to the second floor of a nearby building and use it as a vantage point to take out the enemies from afar.

Once you have cleared the orchard, your final objective is to secure the church in the town. The church is heavily guarded, so you will need to use all your skills to complete this objective. You can use the terrain to your advantage by taking cover behind walls and buildings. You can also use your grenades to take out groups of enemies at once.

After securing the church, the mission will end, and you will be awarded points based on your performance. The points can be used to upgrade your weapons and abilities.

In conclusion, Operation Neptune is an exciting and challenging mission that serves as a great introduction to Medal of Honor Airborne. The mission allows you to learn the basic controls and gameplay mechanics of the game while also providing a taste of the game's realism and intensity. With multiple objectives and various ways to complete them, the mission encourages players to use

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