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The Willie Lynch Letter

1 year ago

This topic is one of the most ignored portions of history. We will break it apart and see what the impact was on the US territories as well as the colonies at the time of its writing. When you get the full gist of this letter, it will blow your mind.


  • 0/2000
  • Do you guys hear about this? A was a man who want to hunt wild pigs, he fought for some time to catch them, he figure a tactic to take all of them, when they were together, so for some time, he give them food, at first they didnt trust him, they run, he didnt give up, little by little the hogs got comfortable to see him. When he saw that, he place small part of the fence, every day he will add another one, until the hogs were surround & they cant run. That is what they have done with the big cities. Today welfare and trafficking is the modern slavery, affect everyone.

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  • I'm here

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