76 04 18 0805D He Is Risen Apr 18 1976 Dr. Wierwille Mat; Rom; 1Co; Act; Col; Joh;

1 year ago

playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUkizNnTMxfrnqEIL36nJNWCR7mqt4eT0
Scripture Index -
A: Matthew 26:31-33; 27:40, 43
B: Matthew 27:43, 54; 28:1, 2, 4, 5
C: Matthew 28:5-7; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
D: 1 Corinthians 15:20; Acts 2:33; Romans 10:9; Colossians 3:1; John 3:16

… and any man or woman can have the proof of the resurrected Christ in his life if he wants to. If he or she does not want to, they can just go dillydally, do as they please. But there is no reason for any man or woman not having the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in their life and the evidence and the manifestation in concretion, which proves the resurrection.

He is risen. Not because you have changed your life – because I know a lot of people who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who changed their life, who changed their way of living. I know a lot of people who have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, do not even believe in him as God’s only begotten Son. Some who believe he was a fine prophet. Some who believe he was just one prophet among some of the rest of the prophets. They’ve changed their lives. They walk, sense knowledge-wise, real nicely. But that’s not what makes you a Christian.

What makes you a Christian is the acceptance of the resurrected Christ. God raised him. He’s seated at the right hand of the Father. And on the day of Pentecost, it says in Acts, he sent forth this which you now see in here which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. The Christ could not ever be in you the hope of glory unless God had raised him.

Romans 10:9 & 10 ...if thou [will] shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord [what?] Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath [what?] raised him from the dead, thou shalt...

So you see how central the resurrection is?

On top of most religious places in America we have a cross. On most religious places on the inside, the cross. The cross is symbolic of death. The open tomb is symbolic of the resurrected Christ. And we are not saved in his death, we are saved in his resurrection. Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe God did what? Raised him from the dead.

You see why the resurrection has always been the laughing stock of the unbeliever? Why does the most monumental event in all history? And when you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe God raised him from the dead, you’re saved. You have Christ in you, the hope of glory. You couldn’t have the Christ in you, the hope of glory, if God hadn’t raised him. And if he hadn’t ascended into heaven, set forth this which you now see in here, you couldn’t have it.

But if he did what he said he did, then you can have it. And the way to find out if you’ve gotten the Easter lily is come on over here and take it. The way to find out if you have Christ in you, the hope of glory, is believe what the Word of God says and speak in tongues. And when you speak in tongues, it says in Acts, that’s the external manifestation in the senses world of the internal reality and presence of Christ in you, the hope of glory. And that can only be because God raised him.

Ma’am, what a day. What a time to be alive. What a wonderful era to live. To have the freedom this week to hold forth the greatness of God’s Word. To talk about that resurrected Christ; the power that’s in it, for there is power in that name.

Fear not. Just walk.

I think it says in Colossians – maybe we ought to take a look at it. I know it’s there. I looked it up earlier today. Knew it was there all the time anyways because I read it.

Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ,

Because he arose. We already, according to Colossians, are guaranteed the rising up. Corinthians gave it to us a little while ago. Here, it’s a reality of truth again in Colossians. We’re already risen in Christ. Already seated in the heavenlies, it says, if you’re born again. If we are, it says,

Colossians 3:1: ...seek those things which are [what?] above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Where Christ is sitting on the right hand of God. Seek those things above.

They have a new children’s puppet show for our kids they’re developing at The Way College of Emporia, the Corps kids that are involved in the children’s activity work. And they got a new song. You know, the W.O.R.D. song.

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