Russia will study the court decision on payment of $5 billion to Naftogaz

1 year ago

1. Russia will look into the decision of the court in The Hague on the need for Moscow to pay $ 5 billion for assets in Crimea as compensation. This was announced by the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the statement of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian company noted that the decision was made on April 12. Naftogaz is confident that it is entitled to the specified payment due to the loss of drilling rigs, an underground storage facility and a gas transmission system on the peninsula.

“Indeed, this lawsuit took place, it is not new. The decision is new, it is necessary to analyze,” Peskov said.

According to the Kremlin spokesman, experts who are engaged in protecting Russia's rights in this case will decide on further actions after studying all the details.

It should be noted that the assets of Naftogaz were officially nationalized by the decision of the Crimean Parliament in 2014.
2. The head of Ukraine's largest national oil and gas company Naftogaz, Oleksiy Chernyshov, said on Thursday that the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague ruled Russia to pay the country $5 billion in compensation for loss of assets in Crimea.

"The Naftogaz team has won a key victory on the energy front. Despite Russia's attempts to obstruct justice, the Arbitration Tribunal ordered Russia to compensate Naftogaz for losses of USD 5 billion. This relates to the seizure of our assets in Crimea by Russia in 2014.

Russia must now comply with this decision in accordance with its obligations under international law," Chernyshov said.

If Russia refuses to voluntarily abide by the court's decision, Naftogaz has the right to begin the process of recognizing the arbitration decision and allowing it to be enforced on the territory of those states where Russia's assets are located, the CEO added.

The court found that the amount of compensation should be equal to the fair market value of Naftogaz assets prior to their loss. Naftogaz demanded about twice as much $10 billion
Россия будет изучать решение суда в Гааге о необходимости Москвой выплатить 5 млрд долларов за активы в Крыму в качестве компенсации. Об этом сообщил пресс-секретарь российского лидера Дмитрий Песков, комментируя заявление "Нафтогаза Украины".

В украинской компании отмечали, что решение было принято 12 апреля. "Нафтогаз" уверен, что ему полагается указанная выплата из-за потери буровых установок, подземного хранилища и газотранспортной системы на полуострове.

"Действительно, эта тяжба имела место, она не новая. Решение новое, надо проанализировать", - отметил Песков.

По словам представителя Кремля, специалисты, которые занимаются защитой прав России в этом деле, будут принимать решение о дальнейших действиях после изучения всех деталей.

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