1 year ago

The most important piece of information that I found in this early anti-gun propaganda report, was the interview with the ER Trauma surgeon who very clearly states that “up until 1967 the majority of the “wounding” cases that they seen, were related to stabbings with knives. But starting in 1968 until the present (1975) they began to see more and more “woundings” as a result of firearms. For those who may not be aware, 1968 was the year that the Johnson regime was able to enact the illegal and unconstitutional GCA (Gun Control Act of 1968) which required all firearms manufactured to have serial numbers, as well as many other infringements intended to disarm the lower income, blue collar American. But just 7 years in it was blatantly obvious that incidents involving firearms drastically increased, and as we continue to see 48 years after this report, the more illegal and unconstitutional “Gun control” they enact, the more it seems that guns are ending up in the hands of the very people who only want them to create carnage!

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