The Fentanyl Crisis ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 4-11-2023

1 year ago

Fentanyl: A Devastating Crisis
Thousands of lives lost every year

Illicit fentanyl is a devastating crisis in America, claiming tens of thousands of lives each year. Despite the severity of the problem, the federal government has struggled to make meaningful progress in addressing it. However, individuals and communities can take action to keep their loved ones safe and fight this scourge.


Ed Ternan and Matt Capelouto know first-hand just how severe this crisis is, each having lost a young adult child to a counterfeit prescription pill laced with this dangerous chemical. They will be sharing their insights on how the crisis started, where we are now, and what can be done to address this modern chemical-based drug catastrophe.

Ed and his wife Mary co-founded Song for Charlie (, a national nonprofit that produces and distributes drug education resources for young people and families. Song for Charlie is also the driving force behind the second annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day (, which is set for May 9, 2023.

Matt is the President of the Drug Induced Homicide organization ( Matt and his wife Chrisine advocate tirelessly to advance Alexandra’s Admonition (SB44) through the California State Legislature. Named for their late daughter, Alexandra’s Admonition would empower prosecutors to file murder charges against recidivist drug dealers who cause a death.

Join Ed and Matt as they share their deep knowledge of the fentanyl crisis and offer insights on how to keep your loved ones safe and fight this dangerous drug in our communities.

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