Make More Money - Start with These 3 Things First = Your 4 Pillars of Strength

1 year ago

Hello Modern Men -

For those of us that want to make more money, consider that concentrating on money will NOT get you there. It actually could lead to less money.

Paradoxically, money are like women. Chase them... they move away from you.

What if there were 3 steps that preceded the increase of money?

Money is energy and it needs to remain in motion - that's why it's called "currency". It's a reciprocation of the value we bring to the world.

When you look past your identity and step into your essence, you'll find a whole new value system operating in you, one that's true and complete, with no need to compare and compete, to lie and to steal and the frequency of money will shift.

Your client types will change.
Job offers will be different.

When the other pillars of strength are in place and functioning at a high level, income will come easier... I dare say flow effortlessly.

1) Health - it's the new wealth
2) Intellectual - who you are, your emotions, convictions, values
3) Spiritual - find your Higher Power, something you can bend a knee to and find meaning.

and finally...

4) Financial.

Men over 40 - I'm talking to you!!

You are in the age of KING and many of you don't feel like it. The reason - you've never been taught what it means to be a man.

Dad didn't know, if he was even around.

You're chasing all the trappings and performing for life's metrics, seeking approval from parents and a community that's laid it's heavy expectations on you....and you've never stopped and said: "Who am I?"

Mirror work + Integration of the shadow + Healing from trauma and pain + Opening your heart = KING

It's time to do the work, gentlemen.

Reach out to me if you need help.

The father's blessing you didn't receive from your earthly dad doesn't have to come from him.

The resources available to you are immense. To wait is to self sabotage your own growth and time awaiting for you on your throne.

YOU, are royalty!


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Topics Covered In This Video :

self sabotage, self-sabotaging, why we self-sabotage, sabotage, self-sabotaging behavior, how to stop self-sabotage, self-sabotaging behavior, self sabotage why do we do it, self-help, stop sabotaging yourself, how to permanently stop self- sabotage,7 signs of self-sabotaging behavior, self-sabotaging behavior in relationships, psychology, coaching, positive psychology, psychology, personal development

#sabotage #personalgrowth #yourcoach #health #mindset

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